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How Can Physiotherapy Help With Low Back Pain?

8 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE WILL EXPERIENCE BACK PAIN AT ANY TIME IN THEIR LIVES. While back pain may seem extreme, most low back pain is not caused by a serious condition. Without the use of medical imaging, physical therapists should be able to determine, assess, and interfere. Back pain can appear in a number of ways. The lower back (above the coccyx) and buttocks experience localized pain. When pain radiates from the back to the leg or foot, it is known as radiating pain. This can also manifest as numbness or tingling, and is usually caused by stressed nerves. Symptoms can also appear in the leg without feeling in the back. Referred discomfort is the term for this. Back pain is often caused by behavioral causes, such as excessive sitting, poor physical condition, and improper bending and standing. HOW DOES PHYSIOTHERAPY HELP? The trick to reducing your suffering and resuming full function is to get care as soon as possible. Exercise, mechanics, and posture-focused treatment easily improve s

3 Types of Lower Back Pain

backpain therapy

The causes of low back pain are as complex as finding the right treatment. Most causes of pain, however, are muscular in nature. Here we explain 3 of the most likely types of low back pain you may have.


Pain occurs when there is a severe chronic imbalance. An imbalance causes the discs to put unnecessary pressure on nearby nerve sources, as well as on the spinal cord. Pressure, when excessive, can trigger a back spasm, muscle protection, or can even lead to numbness in the area where the nerve provides sensation.


The second type of pain is that when the discs age, it causes decompression of the disc. Decompression is quite common and affects a large majority of the population. Nerve root compression will likely occur because the space between each vertebra shrinks as you age. This disorder is also known as degenerative disc disease (DDD). It often affects the L1 to L5-S1 lumbar discs. It is more common for the L5-S1 to be the most used. Although it is diagnosed that decompression is a disease, it is actually not as scary as you might imagine. In fact, it is considered part of the normal aging process.


Facet pain that occurs in the joints when the facet bones of the spine progressively wear out due to increased contact and wear. As the lumbar discs degenerate, the weight that the discs usually absorb is transferred to the facet joint. Arching the lower back can make this condition worse and that can trigger a spasm or worse, a fracture. This type of pain can cause a dull aching sensation, especially during prolonged periods of standing.

physiotherapy clinic toronto
116 Spadina Avenue, Unit 201
Toronto ON, M5V 2K6,
+1 905 338 2437


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How Can Physiotherapy Help With Low Back Pain?

8 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE WILL EXPERIENCE BACK PAIN AT ANY TIME IN THEIR LIVES. While back pain may seem extreme, most low back pain is not caused by a serious condition. Without the use of medical imaging, physical therapists should be able to determine, assess, and interfere. Back pain can appear in a number of ways. The lower back (above the coccyx) and buttocks experience localized pain. When pain radiates from the back to the leg or foot, it is known as radiating pain. This can also manifest as numbness or tingling, and is usually caused by stressed nerves. Symptoms can also appear in the leg without feeling in the back. Referred discomfort is the term for this. Back pain is often caused by behavioral causes, such as excessive sitting, poor physical condition, and improper bending and standing. HOW DOES PHYSIOTHERAPY HELP? The trick to reducing your suffering and resuming full function is to get care as soon as possible. Exercise, mechanics, and posture-focused treatment easily improve s