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How Can Physiotherapy Help With Low Back Pain?

8 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE WILL EXPERIENCE BACK PAIN AT ANY TIME IN THEIR LIVES. While back pain may seem extreme, most low back pain is not caused by a serious condition. Without the use of medical imaging, physical therapists should be able to determine, assess, and interfere. Back pain can appear in a number of ways. The lower back (above the coccyx) and buttocks experience localized pain. When pain radiates from the back to the leg or foot, it is known as radiating pain. This can also manifest as numbness or tingling, and is usually caused by stressed nerves. Symptoms can also appear in the leg without feeling in the back. Referred discomfort is the term for this. Back pain is often caused by behavioral causes, such as excessive sitting, poor physical condition, and improper bending and standing. HOW DOES PHYSIOTHERAPY HELP? The trick to reducing your suffering and resuming full function is to get care as soon as possible. Exercise, mechanics, and posture-focused treatment easily improve s

What Is Fascial Stretch Therapy? How Does It Work and its benifits?

Fascial Stretch Therapy

What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

We're always caught with our heads bowed to the ground as we walk into work, bow down to our computers all day, and bow down at the end of our work day as we pull out of the snow. Poor posture is a global phenomenon that affects almost everyone on the planet. Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, internally rotating limbs, and a forward tilted pelvis are all too common in offices, restaurants, and gyms. If these trends are not taken into account, injury rates increase, breathing and mood suffer, and performance suffers.

But first, let's take a step back so you can grasp the fundamentals ...

As infants we have been given all the physical abilities and functions we need; however, our biology has changed for the worse as a result of our current lifestyle. Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a painless assisted stretching system that assesses and strengthens restrictions in the body. It was first used in the NFL, but has since spread to other sports and leagues like the NHL and rugby. FST can help you improve your performance, prevent injury, and reduce discomfort. We are delighted to have FST trained team members in our three clubs providing therapy to our members. But, before we tell you about these coaches, we wanted to give you a brief overview of this technique.

What Is Fascia & Joint Capsules?

Fascia is a layered network of connective tissue that covers your muscles, nerves, bones, organs, and joints; you will collapse without it. A joint capsule is a connective tissue structure that covers the joints and is responsible for maximizing mechanical function as well as providing nutrients to the joint.

Restriction of the fascia and joint capsules can lead to:

  • Decrease in joint part, which can contribute to osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease.
  • Trigger points, tension, tendonitis, and tears are caused by increased muscle tone.
  • Headaches, trigger points, and muscle tension are all symptoms of increased tone of nerve tissue.
  • The formation of scar tissue increases.
  • Blood flow and energy levels are reduced.
  • ...and much more...

What Is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)?

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a pain-free, one-of-a-kind, comprehensive and complementary method of table-based assisted stretching that emphasizes the fascia and joint capsule as essential components to achieve flexibility, optimal strength, performance and pain relief. . FST is one of the easiest, most convenient and enjoyable methods to eliminate pain, restore function, move and feel better in daily activities, exercise and sports!

The FST will help people of all ages, including those who have been licensed by a doctor to stretch and move, exercise enthusiasts and athletes of all skill levels. And what is one of the most important benefits of FST? The results are almost instantaneous. We guarantee that after just one session you will notice a significant difference.

Who Should Consider FST?

Those with chronic back pain: Muscle tension and joint stiffness are often associated with chronic back pain, as are general fatigue, fear of movement and certain movements, and loss of mobility. FST will help you get out of your pain and get back to your function so you can get back to your daily routine.

Those who exercise daily: When you exercise daily, your body needs to heal quickly. FST increases blood flow to exhausted muscles, allowing you to heal tough workouts faster and with less pain.

Many who are physically active: FST will help you run faster, lift heavier, increase flexibility, improve balance, and increase endurance.

Those recovering from injury: Your doctor will help you expand your range of motion by removing adhesions and encouraging your body to release unwanted compensations using FST.

What Are the Benefits of Reinforcement?

  • Stretching Will Help:
  • The pain is reduced.
  • The risk of injury is reduced.
  • Tense muscles must be reduced or eliminated.
  • Joint stiffness can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Boost traffic.
  • Improve your position.
  • Improve and improve sex
  • You will feel and look younger as a result of this treatment.
  • Make you more powerful
  • Elevate your stature
  • Healthier bones
  • Range of motion is improved

Giving Fascial Stretch Therapy a shot is the perfect way to find out if it's right for you. Free it with FST! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Contact us immediately at if you would like to know more or schedule a session.


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How Can Physiotherapy Help With Low Back Pain?

8 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE WILL EXPERIENCE BACK PAIN AT ANY TIME IN THEIR LIVES. While back pain may seem extreme, most low back pain is not caused by a serious condition. Without the use of medical imaging, physical therapists should be able to determine, assess, and interfere. Back pain can appear in a number of ways. The lower back (above the coccyx) and buttocks experience localized pain. When pain radiates from the back to the leg or foot, it is known as radiating pain. This can also manifest as numbness or tingling, and is usually caused by stressed nerves. Symptoms can also appear in the leg without feeling in the back. Referred discomfort is the term for this. Back pain is often caused by behavioral causes, such as excessive sitting, poor physical condition, and improper bending and standing. HOW DOES PHYSIOTHERAPY HELP? The trick to reducing your suffering and resuming full function is to get care as soon as possible. Exercise, mechanics, and posture-focused treatment easily improve s